Hi all
Tried to download the audio onto my iPhone. It's saved in my files but not able to open as an audio!?
Here's a screen shot of the saved file
Appreciate some help on how to sort this if possible
Many thanks 🙏
Hi all
Tried to download the audio onto my iPhone. It's saved in my files but not able to open as an audio!?
Here's a screen shot of the saved file
Appreciate some help on how to sort this if possible
Many thanks 🙏
All good thanks. I do crave sugary food when I get bored in the evenings so I'm aware and doing my best not to cave in. So far so good.
Great job 👏 You will like day 4's steps then as there is a little something that will help you with that 😉😁
I completed Reduce Stress! How are you guys doing?
Enjoying the steps , love that I can catch up at any point during the day. Very helpful for a super busy schedule!
Well done everyone who has completed today's steps 👍 Those who haven't, don't worry...you can catch up this evening ☺️
As per usual, I’m late to the party, can I start from day 1 at any point or have I missed out?
iPhones are always so awkward 😜 Apple want you to pay to play content through their platform so block it. You can get round that by downloading a free app from their app store called 'VLC Player'. It will play the file quite happily for you 😁 Any problems let me know.